CIKM Author Kit

Dear Author:

Enclosed please find the guidelines and pertinent information for submission of your paper(s).

Please note: It is of particular importance that you leave sufficient space in the lower left corner of the first column on the first page for ACM to fill in the copyright information. There is a 8 page maximum on your paper and you can buy up to 4 extra pages with US$150.00 per extra page.

Please submit camera-ready copy (produced on a high-resolution output device) of your manuscript on 8 1/2" x 11" paper following the proceedings format appended below. Proceedings templates to create camera-ready copy are available in Word, WordPerfect, FrameMaker and LaTex. These templates are located at

In addition, you must submit an electronic version of your paper for inclusion into the ACM Digital Library. Electronic submissions should be in PostScript. Please do not put page numbers on your paper.

The enclosed ACM copyright form must be signed and returned with your paper. I caution you that ACM will not publish any paper that is not accompanied by a signed copyright form. In those cases where there is more than one author per paper, the first-named (assumed senior) author only must sign.

The full ACM Copyright policy, revised as of November 15, 1995, is available at

Please federal express or mail your paper and signed copyright form so that it is received by August 17, 1998. The paper and signed copyright form should be sent to: Dr. Niki Pissinou (see the acceptance letter for complete address).

ACM Proceedings Specifications

Title:   Centered 18 pt, Bold, Helvetica
Author: Centered 12 pt, Helvetica
Affiliation:  Centered 10 pt, Helvetica
Email:   Centered 12 pt, Helvetica
Abstract:   Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman
Section (heading 1): Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman, numbered- ex: 1
Subsection (heading 2) Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman, numbered- ex 1.2
Subsubsection (heading 3): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, 
numbered- ex 1.2.3
Subsubsubsection (heading 4):Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman,   
numbered- ex
Subsubsubsubsection (heading 5): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman,   
numbered- ex
Text:   2 column, justified, size of type 9 pt. space between lines 10 pt
Text Font:  Times Roman
Column width:  3.33" (8.45 cm)
2 column gutter:  .33"(.83 cm)
Top Margin:  1" (2.54 cm)
Right Margin:  From edge  .75" (1.9 cm)
Left Margin:  From edge  .75" (1.9 cm)
Bottom Margin:  1" (2.54 cm)
Copyright space on 1st page: lower left column 1.5" (3.81 cm)
Paragraph indentation: None, flush left, line space between paragraphs
Footnote/Citation:  9 pt, Times Roman
Bibliography/Reference: 10 pt.  Use the standard CACM format for
    references,  i.e., a numbered list at the end of the article,
    ordered alphabetically by first author, and referenced
    by number in brackets [2]. Reference number in brackets positioned 
    as a negative indent.
    Text aligned .25" (.63 cm) in from margin.
Subsequent pages: For pages other than the first, start at the top margin   
and continue in double-column format.
Tables/Figures/Images: Placed in text as close to reference as possible.   
May extend across both columns to a maximum width of 7" (17.78 cm).
Captions:  9 pt, bold, Times Roman, numbered (ex. "Table 1."
   or "Figure 2."), and centered beneath each table, figure or image.

ACM Copyright Form

Title of Work:
Publication or Conference Name and Date: ACM CIKM98/Workshops (Nov. 3-7, 1998)

Copyright to the above work (including without limitation, the right to   
publish the work in whole or in part in any and all forms of media, now   
or hereafter known) is hereby transferred to the ACM (for U.S. Government   
work, to the extent transferrable*) effective as of the date of this   
agreement on the understanding that the work has been accepted for   
publication by ACM.

However, each of the Authors retain the following rights:

1 All other proprietary rights except copyright (and the publication   
rights transferred to ACM), such as patent rights.

2 The right to reuse, without fee, in future works of the Author's own   
provided that the ACM citation and Copyright notice are included.

3 The right to post a personal copy on non-ACM servers for limited   
noncommercial distributions, provided that the ACM Copyright notice is   
attached to the personal copy and that the server prominently displays a   
general policy notice (see sample of Server Notice in Revised ACM Interim   
Copyright Policy, version 2, section 5.3) about the use of copyright   
works it contains.

4 Employers who originally own copyright may distribute copies of works   
of their employees within the employer's organization.

This Form must be signed by the Author or, in the case of a "work made   
for hire," by the employer and must be received by ACM, Inc. --See Box   
C-- before processing of the manuscript for publication can be completed.   
Authors should understand that consistent with ACM's policy of   
encouraging dissemination of information each published paper will appear   
with the following notice:

"Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work   
for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies   
are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that   
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page.   
Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be   
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to   
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior   
specific permission and/or a fee."

Signature_______________________ Print Name_______________________

Title, if not Author_____________________ Date________________________


This certifies that the above author(s) wrote the paper (a) as part of   
work as U.S. government employees or, (b) as other noncopyrightable work.



Title, if not Author__________________________

Date Signed______________________________


For Proceedings papers, please return the signed form in hardcopy to the   
Conference Program Chair.

ACM revised 7/97

TO: Authors Submitting Papers for Publication by ACM
FROM: ACM Director of Publications
SUBJECT: ACM Copyright Procedures

Thank you for submitting a paper for publication by ACM, Inc. ACM's   
publications are read throughout the world, and we must deal with   
requests for reprinting, republishing, redistributing, digitizing,   
posting to servers, translating, anthologizing, and other actions.

It is the policy of ACM to own the copyrights on its technical   
publications to protect the interests of ACM, its Authors and their   
employers, and at the same time to facilitate the appropriate reuse of   
this material by others.

United States Copyright Law requires that the transfer of copyright of   
each contribution from the Author to ACM be confirmed in writing. It is   
necessary that Authors sign either Part A or Part B of the ACM Copyright   
Form and return it with the manuscript to the address on the Form (see   
Revised ACM Interim Copyright Policy, sections 2.1, 4.1, 4.2).

If you are employed and you prepared your paper as part of your job, the   
rights to your paper may initially rest with your employer. In that case,   
when you sign the ACM Copyright Transfer Form, we assume you are   
authorized to do so by your employer. If not, it should be signed by   
someone so authorized.

For jointly authored papers, an original signature is required from one   
(assumed senior) Author only. However, we assume all Authors have been   
advised and have consented to the terms of this Form.

Authors who are U.S. government employees and/or whose papers are not   
copyrightable as part of certain Government contract work, are not   
required to sign Part A, but all co-authors outside the Government   
contract are.

Part B of the Form is to be used instead of Part A only if any or all   
Authors are U.S. Government employees and they prepared the paper as part   
of their job, or the work is an uncopyrightable product of a Government   

ACM Authors have all the rights scientific authors have historically   
enjoyed, including the right to present orally the submitted or similar   
material in any form; the right to reuse in future works of the Author's   
own with notice and credit to ACM; the right to republish in any form of   
media with notice and credit to ACM, in works published by the employer   
or for the employer's internal business purposes; the right to reproduce   
and distribute for peer review in reasonable quantities (see Revised ACM   
Interim Copyright Policy, sections 3, 5.3); and all proprietary rights   
other than copyright.

Although it is not part of ACM's policy to grant Authors or their   
organizations the sole right to approve permissions for republishing by   
third parties, ACM always seeks the approval of its Authors, for jointly   
authored papers the first-named (assumed senior)
Author only, in weighing such requests. This is done as a matter of   
professional courtesy.

If you have any questions (ONLY) on this author-kit and copyright form, please contact Alisa Rivkin at ACM at All others questions should contact approptiate CIKM98 organizers !!