Short-term precipitation forecasting such as rainfall prediction is a task to predict future rainfall amount based on current observations. It is a very important problem in the field of meteorological service. An accurate weather prediction service can support casual usage such as outdoor activity and provide early warnings of floods or traffic accidents. To predict short-term rainfall amount, we usually make use of radar data, rain gauge data and numerical weather outputs. In this challenge, we focus on the first type of data - radar data, more specifically radar echo extrapolation data. Our target is to build a rainfall prediction model by solely using the radar data.
2,000In order to be eligible for the awards, winners should submit the code and solution report (4 pages in ACM format) to the organizers by the stipulated deadline.
Xunlai Chen | Minghui Qiu | Hui Li | Xing Shi | Chunyan Cao | Ke Zhang | Xia Mao | Wei Chu | Yiting Wang
In collaboration with CIKM AnalytiCup Co-Chairs: