Hosting CIKM

DRAFT Suggestions for additions or corrections are welcome. Contact Prof. Nicholas.

(Credit where it's due: the organization and much of the text on are copied from the corresponding SIGIR site. )

The CIKM Steering Committee is responsible for soliciting and approving proposals to host CIKM. We welcome proposals for any qualified group or organization, although organizers are expected to have a record of scholarship and professional service, as well as extensive participation in CIKM. We like to have CIKM proposals at least two years in advance. You may approach any member of the CIKM Steering Committee for advice and assistance in preparing a CIKM proposal.

The annual CIKM conferences are organized by volunteers. It's a big committment!

We expect proposals to address (at least) the following points:

Complete the ACM Preliminary Approval Form and include it with your proposal. Do not send it to ACM headquarters; only the accepted bid's PAF is forwarded to the ACM. Note that this form is really intended as a first step for conferences on a tighter schedule than CIKM, so some of the questions (like the exact dates and a conference URL) may not be known yet. Complete as much of the form as you can, and don't worry about the parts that don't seem relevant at this stage.

If you have ideas about corporate sponsorship, please indicate that. If your proposal is approved, you will need to complete the ACM TMRF (Technical Meeting Request Form) which asks for a detailed budget. You should browse through the ACM conference organizers manual and use the TMRF as a template for your draft budget. The Steering Committee has a LOT of experience in these matters. We can provide example proposals, including detailed budgets.

If you have questions about anything, ask the CIKM Steering Committee Chair or any member of the Steering Committee. We want you to have the best bid possible (with a reasonable amount of effort), and we will help you however we can.